Use PowerShell to Test a Remote Connection


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In this blog, you will learn how to use PowerShell commands and scripts with remote connections. You’ll also learn about the advantages of using PowerShell for testing and debugging Windows-based applications remotely or on a developer machine, as well as setting up your own private Remote Desktop session.

The “powershell test-connection with credentials” is a command-line tool that allows testing a remote connection.

Use PowerShell to Test a Remote Connection

Any system administrator should be able to ping a device, and we’re all familiar with the ping.exe function, but have you heard of the PowerShell commands Test-Connection and Test-NetConnection? It’s PowerShell’s way of giving the old ping.exe command a shot in the arm! In this blog article, we’ll use PowerShell to test a remote connection and more.

Pinging a machine is simple with PowerShell, but there are a few more parameters that make it more helpful and go beyond what ping can accomplish.

Ping using PowerShell?

Although old-school ping is a legacy tool, it’s still around and can be invoked with PowerShell just like any other cmd utility can. It can be executed either directly by typing ping <hostname> or you can also use the Invoke-Expression cmdlet to call ping.exe but this is just putting lipstick on a pig.

PS51> Invoke-Expression -Command “ping.exe”

Example of an Invoke-ExpressionExample of an Invoke-Expression

This works, and you’ll receive the usual ping results, but it’s a little clumsy, since all you get is the ping command’s text output. Instead, we’ll utilize the native PowerShell cmdlet Test-Connection.


PS51> Test-Connection

PowerShell Test-ConnectionTest-Connection is now running.

That’s a lot more natural PowerShell method of doing things, and it produces an object rather than the text output of ping.exe.

We obtain a lot of important information if we pipe the object from the PowerShell Test-Connection cmdlet into Select-Object -Property *.

PS51> Test-Connection | Select-Object -Property *

Examining every object property supplied by Test-ConnectionExamining every object property supplied by Test-Connection

We can configure things like Count for the number of tries, BufferSize for the size of the packet, and Time to define the delay between each try, just like any other PowerShell cmdlet, and use PowerShell to test a remote connection like a boss.

PS51> Test-Connection -Count 2 -BufferSize 128 -Delay 3

There are many more parameters you may utilize, but I won’t go through them all here. However, certain criteria, such as Source, are helpful. The Source argument allows you to connect to other computers on your network and begin connection attempts from them using the PowerShell Test-Connection cmdlet.

PS51> Test-Connection -Source “LocalHost”, “TestVM01”, “TestVM02” -ComputerName “”

With the Source argument, you may test a connection on various hosts.With the Source argument, you may test a connection on various hosts.

The output displays all of the results from the hosts in the source list in a single, well-organized table with objects. This is particularly handy if your network is sophisticated and there are several firewalls between you and the target. You may test any of the connections from those source computers as long as you can access to them.

The Quiet parameter works in the other direction, returning a simple true/false response. When used in if statements, this is really beneficial.

PS51> Test-Connection -Quiet

Using the Quiet optionUsing the Quiet option

If you have a large number of targets to test, the AsJob option may be used to run the list as a background task and then receive the results using Get-Job | Receive-Job.

PS51> Test-Connection -count 10 -AsJob PS51> Get-Job | Receive-Job

Using Test-Connection in conjunction with a background taskUsing Test-Connection in conjunction with a background task


Test-NetConnection is another cmdlet to investigate. The Evaluate-NetConnection cmdlet is similar to the PowerShell Test-Connection cmdlet in that it can test a device’s connection, but it focuses on networking. In the most basic sense, it produces similar consequences.

PS51> Test-NetConnection

Test-NetConnection is a tool that allows you to test your network connections.Test-NetConnection is a tool that allows you to test your network connections.

This cmdlet provides a number of helpful options, such as Port, which may be used to check if a remote port is open or not.

PS51> Test-NetConnection -Port 80

Port connection is being tested.Port connection is being tested.

You may accomplish the same thing as with tracert.exe using the TraceRoute option, but the result is a PowerShell object containing each of the hops on the way to the destination.

PS51> Test-NetConnection -TraceRoute

Test-NetConnection is a tool that allows you to test your network connections. for tracing routesTest-NetConnection is a tool that allows you to test your network connections. for tracing routes

You may use the -InformationLevel Quiet parameter/value to provide you a basic true/false answer from the test if you wish to utilize the PowerShell cmdlet Test-NetConnection in an if statement to test whether a device has port 80 open.

PS51> Test-NetConnection -port 80 -InformationLevel Quiet

If you’d want a more sophisticated example of how to use these cmdlets, I recommend reading An All-in-One PowerShell Server Port Testing Tool.


We’ve got you covered, whether you utilize the PowerShell Test-Connection cmdlet or the Test-NetConnection cmdlet. Using one or both of these cmdlets, you’ll be able to utilize PowerShell to test a remote connection in a variety of ways with ease!

The “powershell if test-connection true” is a command that can be used to test a remote connection. The command will return true if the connection is successful, otherwise it will return false.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I test a PowerShell remote connection?

A: PowerShell remotes are tested by using the Invoke-Command cmdlet, which is used to execute a command on another computer. To do this, you will need to find an IP address of your target machine that can be accessed with PowerShell. Once you have found it, use the following syntax:
1 invoke-command -computername { Command }
3 The results should return as text in response for success and error messages for failure.

What is test connection in PowerShell?

A: Test Connection is a cmdlet in PowerShell. It is used to test whether an established connection can be made between two machines by sending and receiving data back and forth across the existing connection.

Can I run PowerShell commands on remote computer?

A: PowerShell is a cross-platform command and scripting language, but it does not work on remote computers. The only way to use the power of PowerShell remotely is by using Microsoft Remote Desktop or one of its alternative options like VNC and RDP – which are both free.

Related Tags

  • powershell continuous ping script
  • powershell test-connection port example
  • test-netconnection
  • test-connection powershell
  • powershell test-connection multiple computers

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