The Development of Fitness Applications


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In fact, the application is a fitness assistant that allows you to create the effect of a person’s permanent (constant) involvement in the training process, especially for the beginners. They very often lose motivation for sports activities, lacking the willpower, and stop training.


Another function of fitness app development company is as an alternative to a personal sports instructor. Not every person has the opportunity to order the services of a professional trainer. The gadget can be basically used instead of the fitness instructor:

  • draw up a training plan;
  • monitor the progress of exercise and its effectiveness;
  • monitor the state of the health of the person who uses it.

Relevance of development

Why should every self-respecting fitness center striving for development, increasing the number of clients, and profits have its own mobile application for classes? The answer is obvious.


Fitness center can significantly raise its reputation with the help of an application as it’s not only a cool option, but also proof that it has its own mobile application for caring about the clients.

Additional income

An important advantage of any MP is the ability of its functionality to monetize, that is, to use it to earn money through broadcasting specialized advertising (shops, marketplaces selling sporting goods, food, etc.)

Marketing tool

MP is an important marketing tool that allows you to increase the number of center visitors and their activity through a loyalty policy (bonuses, promotions, commercial offers), as well as specialized content that motivates customers.

Alternative to instructor

MP is a virtual, digital trainer who works online at any time. The target audience of clients dreaming of a personal instructor is large.

Reduced customer churn

As a result, the presence of MP helps reduce the outflow of visitors. The administration of the fitness center must understand and feel this. Healthcare app development services would attract more customers.

When developing software, our company necessarily offers ongoing service support for the software we have created so that it is up to date and 100% performs its assigned functions.


Potential functionality

Mobile applications for sports activities are divided into 2 types:

  • specialized;
  • complex.

Specialized MPs include narrow-profile virtual assistants that monitor cardiac activity during walking, cycling, and running. But at the same time, they do not allow monitoring performance when playing other sports.

Complex MP is an all-in-one software that allows the user to select individual programs and sets of exercises from the presented list.

IT solutions for fitness designed for weight loss require calorie counting functionality based on a person’s age, gender, and physiological characteristics; graphically displaying changes in user weight. MPs that provide rehabilitation classes after an illness or injury must have the functionality of total monitoring of the user’s condition throughout the day and signal its dangerous changes.

The following functionality is traditional:

  • user registration, creating a profile (personal account), authorization;
  • daily setting of sports goals and objectives;
  • notifications (about low or insufficient activity, heart rate, etc.);
  • thematic reminders provided for by the training programs used by the user; monitoring the user’s physical activity; communication with devices used for additional monitoring (fitness bracelet, etc.);
  • user geolocation.

When creating a complex MP, its software provides not only various types of exercises (stretching, yoga, strength training, etc.), but also the possibility of creating a new exercise.

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