How to Use the PowerShell Test


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PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework, developed by Microsoft. PowerShell provides administrators with an interactive command-line shell environment that can be used to automate administrative tasks in Windows environments. This guide will walk through the basics of using PowerShell for testing purposes.,

The “PowerShell Test-Connection Port Example” is a PowerShell command that allows users to test their connection to the specified port. This command will return True if it can connect, or False if it cannot. Read more in detail here: powershell test-connection port example.

How to Use the PowerShell Test

The Test-Path cmdlet is used to verify a path to a file, registry key, certificate, or any other PowerShell drive path.

The Test-Path cmdlet is a basic yet effective technique to rapidly examine a file’s and other things’ properties. It may determine if a file (or other item type) exists, whether a string is in the correct path format, or whether an item is newer or older than a given time.

You’ll learn all there is to know about the PowerShell Test-Path cmdlet and how to use it to better your PowerShell scripts in this article.


One thing you’ll need if you want to follow along with the examples in this course is PowerShell. The course will be done using PowerShell v7.03 on Windows 10, but many of the concepts you’ll learn will work with previous versions as well.

What is the purpose of the Test-Path cmdlet?

The PowerShell Test-Path cmdlet is one of the most straightforward commands available. It’s a command that’s been there since the beginning of PowerShell and just returns True or False.

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity; it will save you a lot of time when checking data in PowerShell scripts.

When dealing with PowerShell providers and drives, think of the PowerShell Test-Path cmdlet as quality control. You’ll often deal with things included in PowerShell drives while building a script. C:, HKLM, Cert, and other PowerShell drives

Not all PS drives are compatible with Test-Path. If you try to use Test-Path on a registry key, for example, it will work. If you try to test a registry value using Test-Path, it will always return False.

If you’re intrigued, run the Get-PSDrive cmdlet in PowerShel right now and take note of all the PS drives that appear.

After you've ran Get-PSDrive, you'll get a list of PS Drives.After you’ve ran Get-PSDrive, you’ll get a list of PS Drives.

All of these drives have paths such as C:Windows, HKLM:Software, and so on. When dealing with paths in PowerShell scripts, it’s usually a good idea to check if the path is legitimate or not before proceeding. PowerShell’s Test-Path does this.

If a specified criteria is satisfied (usually, whether a file/folder, registry key, certificate, or even a variable exists or not), Test-Path returns True or False.

Parameters for Test-Paths and Their Use

The Test-Path cmdlet, like many other PowerShell cmdlets, has a number of arguments that alter its behavior. Let’s have a look at each parameter and see how it works and what type of outcomes you may anticipate.


You must utilize the Path option with each Test-Path run. The Path option specifies the PSDrive path to be checked for existence.

Whether you want to see if the folder C:Foo exists, for example, you’d use the Path option with the right path. Then, depending on whether or not C:Foo exists, Test-Path will return True or False.

PS> Test-Path -Path ‘C:Foo’ True

Any item route may be created using the same method. Perhaps you’d want to see whether the HKLM:SoftwareFoo registry key exists. Simply use the Path argument to provide the registry key path.

PS> Test-Path -Path ‘HKLM:SoftwareFoo’ True

It’s important to note that all of the strategies shown in this video will work with any PowerShell disk path.

The Use of Wildcards

What if you don’t care whether or not a route has a literal value? Instead, you’d want to see whether a route meets a certain pattern. In such scenario, wildcards may be used in the Path value.

Perhaps you’d want to see whether your C:Foo folder includes any subfolders that begin with the letter Bar. You could use a wildcard in such instance.

PS> Test-Path -Path ‘C:FooBar*’

When you run the above command, Test-Path will look for any folders that begin with the letter Bar and return True or False based on whether or not any folders meeting that criterion exist.

Asterisks (*) indicate that one or more characters are matched, but you may also use question marks (?) to test for a single character.

Using the aforementioned situation as an example, assuming the folder C:FooBar1 exists, you can use the command below to look for any Foo subdirectory that begins with Bar and is precisely four characters long.

PS> Test-Path -Path ‘C:FooBar?’

If, for some reason, you’d like to use the Path parameter The Use of Wildcards but want to literally match a wildcard character like *, you can always escape the wildcard characters with a backtick (`).


With the exception of wildcards, the LiteralPath argument is essentially similar to the Path parameter. The value of the path will be interpreted literally when using the LiteralPath.

For example, if you use LIteralPath and try to include an asterisk or a question mark within the path value, Test-Path will disregard the wildcard characters and test for C:FooBar? like in the example below.

PS> Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:FooBar?’

If you don’t need to use any wildcard characters, you should use LiteralPath as the default path argument to guarantee Test-Route tests the path you anticipate.


When you call Test-Path with a route, it will return True if it discovers anything in that path by default. A path may be a container, such as a file folder, registry key, or certificate store, or a leaf, such as a file, registry value, or certificate.

The PathType argument may be used to make Test-Path more granular and test for a certain container or leaf item.

By default, Test-Path uses the PathType value Any.

If you want to find a file at C:FooBar, for example, you may use the PathType argument, as shown below. You simply want to see whether a file named C:FooBar exists.

PS> Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:FooBar’ -PathType Leaf

Instead, you may want to double-check that C:FooBar is, in fact, a file. You’d look for a container in such situation.

PS> Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:FooBar’ -PathType Container


You may need to be more explicit when utilizing the Path option and wildcards. If this is the case, you should investigate the Include and Exclude settings.

Assume you’ve got the following folders:

  • C:FooBar1
  • C:FooBar2
  • C:FooBar3

You’d want to see whether there’s a folder named Bar that has precisely four characters, such as Bar1, Bar2, and so on.

PS> Test-Path -Path C:FooBar? -PathType Container

The above command works fine, but you’d like to limit your search to folders named Bar2 in C:Foo. You might use the Include argument in such instance.

PS> Test-Path -Path C:FooBar? -PathType Container -Include ‘Bar2’

The code above now only checks for a single folder, C:FooBar2. Instead, you should probably simply use Test-Path -Path ‘C:FooBar2’ -PathType Container.


The Exclude argument operates in the same way as the Include parameter, but it excludes routes that match a string.

You may wish to double-check that the C:Foo folder has at least one file, so you run the following command:

PS> Test-Path -Path C:Foo* -PathType Leaf

If there are any files in C:Foo, the command returns True or False. However, you may wish to double-check that no files with the extension txt exist. In such situation, you may use a wildcard in the Exclude argument to exclude all files with the.txt extension from testing.

PS> Test-Path -Path C:Foo* -PathType Leaf -Exclude *.txt


The Filter option, according to Microsoft’s documentation, “specifies a filter in the provider’s format or language.” This parameter’s value qualifies as the Path parameter. The filter’s syntax, including the usage of wildcard characters, is determined by the supplier.”

Although the Filter option is useful for other cmdlets, such as Get-Childitem, it is seldom, if ever, used with Test-Path. Please contact me on Twitter at @adbertram if you’ve discovered a suitable usage for the Filter parameter.

Get-ChildItem: One-Click Listing of Files, Registry, Certificates, and More


Have you ever had to look at a file’s timestamp and make a choice based on it? If that’s the case, the NewerThan and OlderThan parameters might help you save a lot of time and effort. The NewerThan option determines if the timestamp of an item is newer than a given date.

To verify against a timestamp, the NewerThan option takes a text or a DateTime object. For instance, to see whether the file C:Foobar.txt was generated after January 20th, 2021, execute Test-Path as shown below.

Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:Foobar.txt’ -NewerThan’January 20, 2021′ ## or Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:Foobar.txt’ -NewerThan’1/20/21′ ## or Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:Foobar.txt’ -NewerThan’1/2


The OlderThan parameter is identical to the NewerThan parameter, but in the reverse direction. This option determines whether an item is older than a certain date.

Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:Foobar.txt’ -OlderThan ‘January 20, 2021’ ## or Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:Foobar.txt’ -OlderThan ‘1/20/21’ ## or Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:Foobar.txt’ -Ol


If you’ve ever tried to dynamically build a route in a script, you know how difficult it can be. If you fat-finger a key or accidentally insert a special character into a route, the IsValid parameter is for you.

The IsValid option is a one-of-a-kind parameter that transforms Test-Path into a cmdlet that tests for path syntax rather than item presence. This option determines whether a route is solely valid.

For example, you could want to check if a route is syntactically correct. You’re dealing with a few variables that you’re concatenating to create a route.

Always use the Join-Path cmdlet when concatenating paths. This is purely for demonstration purposes!

$someVar = ‘abc:dff’; $someVar = ‘abc:dff’; $someVar = ‘C:’ is the default value for $rootPath. $path = “$someVar$someVar$someVar$someVar$someV $rootPath

Use the IsValid argument as shown below to guarantee the route you’ve dynamically built is legitimate. Test-Path will always return False.

PS> Test-Path -LiteralPath $path -IsValid False

Because the route abc:dffC: is no longer valid, you may design a validation function to handle this case.

If you use the IsValid and PathType arguments together with PowerShell v6.1.2 or older, Test-Path will disregard the PathType parameter.


Despite the fact that the Credential option may be found on Test-Path, you may believe you can use it to authenticate to PS disks as a different user. That is a reasonable assumption, yet it is incorrect.

Sadly, the Credential option has no effect on the Test-Path cmdlet. If you wish to execute Test-Path with other credentials, Microsoft suggests using the Invoke-Command cmdlet with the Credential option.

Test-Path -LiteralPath ‘C:’ Invoke-Command -Credential (Get-Credential) -Scriptblock

Related: The Best Way to Run Remote Code with Invoke-Command

The “powershell test-connection ip address” is a command that can be used to test the connection between your computer and a remote server. It’s useful for troubleshooting connectivity issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does PowerShell test NetConnection work?

A: PowerShell can be used to test an individual function of a module. For instance, if I wanted to test the Rename-Computer cmdlets functionality in my local computer (which is not on any network), I would type Renamedb and hit enter. If it returns with success, then the command has worked successfully; otherwise it will show failure information such as The operation failed.

How do I run a NetConnection test?

A: To run a NetConnection test, you should open the games main menu and click Network Connection Test. The game will then automatically connect to your system for testing. If it does not work, try clicking Retry on the test screen until it works.

How do I run a diagnostic in PowerShell?

A: The command to run a diagnostic in PowerShell is cd c:\; dir. This will allow you to see what files are present in the C drive.

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