How to Rename/Move Azure Resource Groups (GUI and CLI)


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Azure Resource Groups are a means to group related Azure resources (e.g., virtual machines, storage accounts) together for easier management and operation. By default, you’ll have one group named “default”. This article will show how to rename your resource groups so that they better reflect the business units or services associated with them.

The “rename azure resource powershell” is a command-line tool that allows users to rename/move Azure Resource Groups. The “rename azure resource powershell” can be used from the GUI or the CLI.

How to Rename/Move Azure Resource Groups (GUI and CLI)


Have you ever established an Azure Resource Group (RG) only to discover later that the name was misspelled? Maybe you used the incorrect name entirely! The first thing that comes to me is renaming the Azure Resource Group. But can you do it?

Unfortunately, renaming an RG is not possible in Azure. Since 2014, this request for a rename feature has been in limbo. The simplest remedy is to remove the RG and create a new one if you’ve merely created it and haven’t put any resources to it yet.

However, if the RG isn’t empty, you can’t just remove it and start again. So, what do you do now? Fortunately for you, this post will show you how to rename Azure Resource Groups by moving resources to a new RG. Let’s get this party started!


This page will serve as a guide. You’ll need the following items if you want to follow along step-by-step:

  • If you don’t already have an Azure account, you may sign up for one for free.
  • A user account in Azure — To access the Azure subscription, the user account must have at least Contributor Role authorization. You may use this role to establish and remove resource groups, as well as transfer resources between them.
  • You’ll be shifting resources from and to two resource groupings. The two resource groups in this lesson are:
    • rg-my-old-resourcegroup – This is a placeholder page for rg-my-old-resourcegroup. the originator A Virtual Network called vn-eus-vnet-01 and a Storage Account named adamtheautomator are also found in RG.
    • rg-my-new-resourcegroup – This is a placeholder page for rg-my-new-resourcegroup. The location is vacant. RG, which is the destination for the resources transferred from rg-my-old-resourcegroup.

Only migrating resources across resource groups in the same Azure subscription will be covered in this article. The ability to transfer resources across subscriptions is contingent on Azure’s move operation capability for resources.

Using the Azure Portal to Move Resources

Even IT experts would prefer the Azure Portal to handle Azure resources if they weren’t automating a process. With a few mouse clicks, you can visually inspect the available resources in the Azure Portal and transfer them into a new RG.

Both the source and destination resource groups will be locked for a maximum of four hours while resources are being moved. You can’t add, alter, or remove resources while they’re locked. The resources will continue to work and be unlocked.

To relocate resources to another resource group, follow the procedures below.

1. Go to the Azure Portal by using a web browser.

2. In the top-right search box, enter resource groups. The gateway suggests a match as you type. On the list of results, choose Resource groupings.

The Resource Groups blade is now open.The Resource Groups blade is now open.

3. On the Resource groups page, choose rg-my-old-resourcegroup as the source RG to see the resources it includes.

Determine the Resource Groups that are the source and destination of the data.Determine the Resource Groups that are the source and destination of the data.

4. Next, select the resources to move. In this tutorial, those resources are: adamtheautomator and vn-eus-vnet01. After selecting the resources, click Move —> Move to another resource group.

To transfer resources to a new Resource Group, select them.To transfer resources to a new Resource Group, select them.

5. On the Move resources page, choose all resources by checking the Select all box.

Select rg-my-new-resourcegroup from the Resource group selection box under the Move these resources to section.

Check this box to acknowledge that any current tools and scripts will not function unless you update them with new resource IDs. To continue, click OK.

In the same way that a folder name is part of the route to a file, the RG name is part of the unique path to a resource. A resource is accessible programmatically by using the unique path. Any scripting resources you’ve established will be affected if you move a resource.

Select a new Resource Group from the drop-down menu.Select a new Resource Group from the drop-down menu.

6. In the upper-right corner of the page, click the bell symbol to view the progress. The current state, as seen in the picture below, is “Moving resources.”

To get status updates, go to the alerts tab. To get status updates, go to the alerts tab.

In this case, the relocating procedure took around five minutes to complete. It’s possible that your experience will be different. The status changes to Moving resources complete once Azure completes the resource transfer, as seen below.

To dismiss the notice, click the X in the top-right corner. Return to the rg-my-old-resourcegroup page by closing the notice.

Message indicating that all resources have been moved.Message indicating that all resources have been moved.

7. Return to the rg-my-old-resourcegroup page and look for the message “No resources to show.” The resources were moved to another resource group, which resulted in this notice. To end the page, click the X in the upper-right corner.

Make that the resources in the previous resource group are no longer there.Make that the resources in the previous resource group are no longer there.

8. Click the Resource groups breadcrumb link at the top of the page to validate that the resources are now in the target resource group.

Using the breadcrumb link for Resource Groups Using the breadcrumb link for Resource Groups

Next, choose rg-my-new-resourcegroup from the list of resource groups.

The destination resource group is now open. The destination resource group is now open.

You should now notice that the resources from rg-my-old-resourcegroup have been migrated to rg-my-new-resourcegroup.

Check that the resources in the new resource group are still there.Check that the resources in the new resource group are still there.

Using Azure PowerShell to Move Resources

Azure PowerShell may be the appropriate tool for you if you prefer entering commands than clicking the mouse to control Azure. PowerShell can be used to operate Azure in two ways: locally on your PC or through the Azure Cloud Shell.

The Az PowerShell module is pre-installed in the Azure Cloud Shell, which will be used in this tutorial. The Az PowerShell module includes a number of cmdlets for managing Azure using PowerShell.

If you want to utilize Azure PowerShell on your local computer, then install the Az PowerShell module and then login in with your Azure account.

What Is PowerShell And Why Do I Need It?

Follow these steps to migrate Azure resources using Azure PowerShell.

If you’re using the Azure Cloud Shell for the first time, Azure may prompt you to choose a subscription from which the shell will establish the storage account.

1. Go to in your web browser. Alternatively, click the Cloud Shell button next to the Search field if you’re currently on the Azure Portal.

Using the Azure Cloud Shell for the first timeUsing the Azure Cloud Shell for the first time

2. Once the Cloud Shell is complete, check that PowerShell, not Bash, is the current environment in the upper-right corner. If not, pick PowerShell from the selection box.

In Azure Cloud Shell, you may choose the PowerShell environment you want to use.In Azure Cloud Shell, you may choose the PowerShell environment you want to use.

3. Use the Get-AzResource cmdlet to get the ResourceID values for the resources you want to relocate. Each Azure resource’s ResourceID value is a unique identifier.

# Get the resource list and save it to a variable. $resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName rg-my-old-resourcegroup $resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName rg-my-old-resourcegroup $resources = Get- # On the screen, display the ResoureID values. $resources.ResourceId

Obtaining Values for ResourceIdsObtaining Values for ResourceIds

4. Now, in your Azure PowerShell window, run the Move-AzResource command. The resources you’ve saved in the $resources variable will be moved to the target resource group using this command.

# Transfer the resources to the new resource group. rg-my-new-resourcegroup rg-my-new-resourcegroup -ResourceId Move-AzResource -DestinationResourceGroupName rg-my-new-resourcegroup -ResourceId $resources.ResourceId

5. Confirm the motion by selecting Y and hitting Enter at the following screen. The time it takes to relocate a resource might range from a few seconds to many minutes. The relocation took around 30 seconds to complete in this case.

Using PowerShell to move resources into a new resource groupUsing PowerShell to move resources into a new resource group

6. After you’ve finished moving the resources, run the commands listed below. These commands will return a list of resources in each resource group, allowing you to verify whether or not the resource transfer was successful.

# Returns a list of all the resources in the source resource group. Get-AzResource rg-my-old-resourcegroup -ResourceGroupName # Returns a list of the destination resource group’s resources. Get-AzResource rg-my-new-resourcegroup -ResourceGroupName

The first command, as you can see below, failed to get any resources from the source RG. Simultaneously, the second command revealed that the resources had arrived at the target RG. The success of the resource relocation operation is confirmed by this outcome.

Assuring that resources have been relocated to a new resource group.Assuring that resources have been relocated to a new resource group.

Using the Azure CLI to Move Resources

The Azure CLI is another fantastic command-line tool for controlling Azure resources. You can use Azure CLI and the Azure Cloud Shell locally on your PC, much like Azure PowerShell. This session will be conducted using the Azure Cloud Shell, which comes pre-installed with Azure CLI.

You’ll need to install Azure CLI and login in to Azure if you want to utilize Azure CLI on your local computer.

Follow these instructions to migrate Azure resources using Azure CLI on the Azure Cloud Shell.

If you’re using the Azure Cloud Shell for the first time, Azure may prompt you to choose a subscription from which the shell will establish the storage account.

Getting Started with the Azure CLI is a related article.

1. Go to in your web browser. Alternatively, click the Cloud Shell button next to the Search field if you’re currently on the Azure Portal.

Using the Azure Cloud Shell for the first time Using the Azure Cloud Shell for the first time

Both the PowerShell and Bash cloud shells are supported by Azure CLI. You’ll be using the Bash shell for this course.

2. In the upper-right corner of the Cloud Shell, verify that Bash, not PowerShell, is the current environment. If not, pick Bash from the dropdown box.

In Azure Cloud Shell, you may choose the Bash environment.In Azure Cloud Shell, you may choose the Bash environment.

Then, to acquire the ID of the resources you want to relocate, use the command az resource list. Each Azure resource’s ID value is a unique identifier.

# Take note of each resource’s ResourceID value and save it in a variable. $(az resource list —query) oldresources=$(az resource list —query) “[?resourceGroup==’rg-my-old-resourcegroup’] [?resourceGroup==’rg-my-old-resourcegroup’] . id: id: id: id: id: id: “—output tsv)))))))))))))))) # On the screen, display the ResourceID values echo “$oldresources[*]”

command az resource listcommand az resource list

4. Finally, run the az resource move command. The resources you’ve saved in the oldresources variable will be moved to the target resource group using this command.

# Uses the az resource move command with the captured ids: az resource move —destination-group rg-my-new-resourcegroup —ids $oldresources

You won’t be able to manage the shell throughout the transfer, so you’ll have to wait for it to complete. The time it takes to relocate a resource might range from a few seconds to many minutes. In this case, it took around five minutes to complete the relocation.

5. After you’ve finished moving the resources, run the commands listed below. These commands will return a list of resources in each resource group, allowing you to verify whether or not the resource transfer was successful.

# az resource list —query returns a list of resources in the source resource group “‘rg-my-old-resourcegroup’ is the resource group [?resourceGroup==’rg-my-old-resourcegroup’]. id: id: id: id: id: id:” —tsv output # az resource list —query returns a list of resources in the target resource group “‘rg-my-new-resourcegroup’ [?resourceGroup==’rg-my-new-resourcegroup’]. id: id: id: id: id: id:” —tsv output

The first command did not retrieve any resources from the source RG, as seen in the output below. The second instruction, at the same time, indicated that resources had been added to the target RG.

Assuring that resources have been transferred to a new resource group.Assuring that resources have been transferred to a new resource group.


The purpose of this essay was to show you how to deal around Azure’s lack of resource group renaming capabilities. You’ve learnt three approaches for renaming Azure resource groups by shifting resources. Why stay with a resource group with a bad reputation when you can alter it?

Which technique, out of the Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, and Azure CLI, did you prefer? You may also learn more by transferring various resource types across subscriptions, since you may uncover incompatibilities and circumstances that aren’t supported.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Azure resource groups be renamed?

A: Yes, they can. If you would like to rename the resource group that your Azure account is using, it is possible to do so by following these steps:

How do I rename a resource group in Azure portal?

A: To rename a resource group in the Azure portal, you would need to use PowerShell cmdlets.

How do I move Azure resources between resource groups?

A: Azure Resource Manager is the recommended tool for managing your Azure resources. You can use it to create, update, and delete resource groups as well as individual servers and virtual machines in those resource groups.

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