A Guide to Running Traceroute in Linux


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Traceroute is a tool used to measure the route that packets take between two hosts on an Internet Protocol network. It displays the IP address of each router and major internet service, such as an ISP or content provider along the path.

The “how to install traceroute in linux” is a guide that will help you understand how to run traceroute in Linux. Traceroute is a command-line tool used for troubleshooting network connectivity issues.

A Guide to Running Traceroute in Linux

Traceroute on Linux is your buddy if you need to find out where your packets travel after they leave your Linux machine.

Traceroute is a useful tool that comes with almost every Linux distribution that monitors which routers your network traffic pass through. This program is useful for troubleshooting and basic network design.

The traceroute command does not come with the same package in every Linux system. While some distributions utilize the historical inetutils package, which includes traceroute as part of a suite of network utilities, others use a contemporary traceroute. Package for x86 64 processors.

Traceroute in Windows 10: How to Use It (Tracert)

Examining the Traceroute Parameters

To get started, let’s have a look at what the Linux traceroute command can do.

To reach the instructional page, open a terminal and execute the command traceroute -?

Usage: traceroute [OPTION…] HOST Print the route packets trace to network host. -f, –first-hop=NUM set initial hop distance, i.e., time-to-live -g, –gateways=GATES list of gateways for loose source routing -I, –icmp use ICMP ECHO as probe -m, –max-hop=NUM set maximal the number of hops (default: 64) -M, –type=METHOD use METHOD (`icmp’ or `udp’) for traceroute operations, defaulting to `udp’ -p, –port=PORT use destination PORT port (default: 33434) -q, –tries=NUM send NUM probe packets per hop (default: 3) –resolve-hostnames resolve hostnames -t, –tos=NUM set type of service (TOS) to NUM -w, –wait=NUM wait NUM seconds for response (default: 3) -?, –help give this help list –usage give a short usage message -V, –version print program version Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options. Report bugs to <[email protected]>.

You have a lot of choices to adjust how traceroute works, as you can see above.

Traceroute Functionality at a Basic Level

You don’t need all of the traceroute options, despite the fact that they exist. In reality, you can just run traceroute and choose the host to trace to. Once you’ve done so, traceroute on Linux will send a 60-byte packet and track every hop it takes to reach the target host, as seen below.

It may trace these hops by decrementing the time-to-live (TTL) of each packet by one each time to identify when the package is no longer received.

Google.com tracerouteGoogle.com traceroute

It’s important to remember that traceroute has a maximum number of hops. It will only go up to a maximum of 30 hops.

Adding Switches to Improve Tracking Precision

Traceroute’s basic capability on Linux is useful, but there’s a lot more you can do with it. Let’s take a look at some of the most common and helpful switches you have.

With the First-Hop Switch, you may exclude hops.

Certain routers may be excluded from the trace using a handy command. You may hide some routers by using the -f or —first-hop=NUM argument. If you’re certain that one or more routers aren’t creating any problems, this might be really beneficial.

You may also use the -f option to start the tracing outside of your network’s perimeter to narrow down any potential Internet delay issues.

The command traceroute -f 3 google.com is seen executing in the GIF below. This script bypasses my home networking and ISP router by skipping the first three routers. The first two jumps are missing, as you can see.

traceroute -f is an example of a traceroute command.traceroute -f is an example of a traceroute command.

In the case above, it takes 15 hops from my network to reach www.google.com. As you can see:

  • the number of hops
  • The router’s hostname or IP address along the traced path
  • As previously, response times

Additional interfaces for various hopes in the output may be seen. It’s to be anticipated.

Using the Max-Hop Switch to set a limit on hops

Let’s imagine you wish to bypass the first two jumps and keep going until you reach the fifth hop in the route. The -m or —max-hop=NUM switch argument is used in this case.

In your terminal, type traceroute -m 5 -f 3 http://www.google.com and hit Enter. This command is very helpful in limiting down probable routing difficulties. Traceroute now skips the first two hops and comes to a complete halt at the fifth.

Skip hops on the tracerouteSkip hops on the traceroute

Probe Packets are being reduced. The -Q Switch was used to send this message.

On Linux, Traceroute sends three probe packets to each router in the path by default. Perhaps you’d want to shorten the time it takes for traceroute to execute. The -q argument controls the quantity of probe packets delivered to each router.

In your terminal, type traceroute -q -m 5 -f 3 www.google.com and hit Enter. Because we only obtain one response time each hop, traceroute just sends one packet, as you can see below.

traceroute -q 6 is a good example.traceroute -q 6 is a good example.

You may optionally supply an argument for the -q parameter to increase the amount of probe packets delivered each hop, as illustrated below. Increasing the number of packet probes delivered might assist by allowing average response times to be calculated for each hop.

Argument for the -q optionArgument for the -q option


You learnt the fundamentals of how to use Traceroute for Linux in this tutorial. This command may be used for a lot more than just that. Check out the man page if you want to learn how to utilize all of the switches.

The “traceroute linux example” is a guide to the traceroute command in Linux. The article will show you how to use the tool and what it can do for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use traceroute on Linux?

A: This command is not supported on Linux yet.

How do you run a traceroute?

A: A traceroute is a system that allows you to track the route your packets take while theyre traveling over an internet connection.

How do I use traceroute in terminal?

A: If you are using a terminal to run the traceroute command, type in traceroute. The rest will be filled out for you.

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